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Watch this space … Publications in Progress
New book
Seeing Like a Soldier: Photography and Colonial Violence in Dutch Indonesia (contracted to Cornell University Press forthcoming 2024/5)
New essays
‘Rethinking histories of military atrocity, ethnic violence and photography, from the Aceh War to the Indonesian National Revolution’ in Kate McGregor, Sadiah Boonstra, Ken Setiawan and Adbul Wahid (eds), Rethinking Histories of Indonesia: Experiencing, Resisting and Renegotiating Coloniality (Canberra, ANU Press). (Under review)
‘The revolution will (not?) be colourised: Photography from the Indonesian National Revolution on social media’, History of Photography, Special Issue ‘The lives and afterlives of demanding images’ edited by Daniel Foliard and Sean Wilcock. (Under review)
‘Indonesian tourism workers on volcanoes and geotourism’s colonial origins: Making a subaltern history visible’, Itinerario, Special Issue ‘Colonial Baggage: Global Tourism in the Age of Empires, 1870s–1970s’ edited by Mikko Toivanen and Andreas Greiner. (Under review)