Photographic Subjects: Monarchy, Photography and the Making of Colonial Citizens (Manchester: Manchester University Press, ‘Studies in Imperialism’ Series, 2019).
Images of the Tropics: Environment and Visual Culture in Colonial Indonesia (Leiden: Brill, 2011) OPEN ACCESS
Edited Volumes
(with Tom van den Berge), Modern Times in Southeast Asia, c. 1920–70 (Leiden: Brill, 2018). OPEN ACCESS
Reviews of Modern Times in Southeast Asia, c. 1920-70
Photography, Modernity and the Governed in Late-Colonial Indonesia (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2015).
Special issue on ‘Disaster in Indonesia’, edited by Susie Protschky, Indonesia 113 (April 2022)
(with Matthew P. Fitzpatrick), ‘The Domestic Frontier: European Colonialism, Nationalism and the Family’, Special Issue of Journal of the History of the Family, 2009, 14:4,
Journal Articles
‘Indonesian Tourism Workers on Volcanoes and Geotourism's Colonial Origins: Making a Subaltern History Visible’, Special issue ‘Colonial Baggage: Tourism and Empire’, edited by Mikko Toivanen and Andreas Greiner, Itinerario (2025): DOI:10.1017/S0165115324000299 OPEN ACCESS
‘The Revolution Will (Not?) Be Colourised: Photographs from the Indonesian National Revolution (1945–49) on Social Media’, Special issue ‘Demanding Images’, edited by Daniel Foliard and Sean Willcock, History of Photography (2024): DOI: 10.1080/03087298.2024.2385730 OPEN ACCESS
(with Bernard Z. Keo), ‘Revolution, Race and Citizenship in Press Representations of Indonesians of the Dutch Colonial Army (KNIL) Interned in Australia, 1945–47’, Special issue on ‘Picturing Political Community: From Subjects to Citizens’, edited by Jane Lydon, Australian Historical Studies 54:2 (2023): 247-73, DOI: 10.1080/1031461X.2022.2140813.
‘Disaster in Indonesia: Along the fault line toward new approaches’, Special issue on ‘Disaster in Indonesia’, edited by Susie Protschky, Indonesia 113 (April 2022): 1-8. OPEN ACCESS
‘Military responses to and forms of knowledge about natural disaster in colonial Indonesia, 1865–1930’, Special issue on ‘Disaster in Indonesia’, edited by Susie Protschky, Indonesia 113 (April 2022): 65-88.
(with Ruth Morgan), ‘Historicising sulfur mining, lime extraction and geotourism in Indonesia and Australia’, The Extractive Industries and Society, 16 February 2021, OPEN ACCESS.
‘Burdens of proof: Photography and evidence of atrocity during the Dutch military actions in Indonesia (1945–50)’, Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia/ Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 2020, 176:2-3, 240-78, OPEN ACCESS.
‘Photography and the making of a popular, colonial monarchy in the Netherlands East Indies during Queen Wilhelmina’s reign (1898–1948)’, BMGN (Low Countries Historical Review), 2015, 130:4, 3-29, OPEN ACCESS.
‘The empire illuminated: Electricity, “ethical” colonialism and enlightened monarchy in photographs of Dutch royal celebrations, 1898–1948’, Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, 2012, 13:3, OPEN ACCESS.
‘Negotiating princely status through the photographic gift: Paku Alam VII’s family album for Crown Princess Juliana of the Netherlands, 1937’, Indonesia and the Malay World, 2012, 40:118, 298-314, OPEN ACCESS.
‘Tea cups, cameras and family life: Picturing domesticity in elite European and Javanese family photographs from the Netherlands Indies, c. 1900–1942’, History of Photography, 2012, 36:1, 44-65, OPEN ACCESS.
‘Dutch still lifes and colonial visual culture in the Netherlands Indies 1800–1949’, Art History, 2011, 34:3, 510-35, OPEN ACCESS.
‘Race, class and gender: Debates over the character of social hierarchies in the Netherlands Indies, circa 1600–1942’, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 2011, 167:4, 543-56, OPEN ACCESS.
‘The flavour of history: Food, family and subjectivity in two Indo-European women’s memoirs’, Journal of the History of the Family, 14:4, 2009, 369-85, OPEN ACCESS.
(with Matthew P. Fitzpatrick), ‘Families, frontiers and the new imperial history’, Journal of the History of the Family, 2009, 14:4, OPEN ACCESS.
‘Seductive landscapes: Gender and European representations of nature in the Dutch East Indies in the late colonial period’, Gender & History, 2008, 20:2, 372-98, OPEN ACCESS.
‘Nature and identity in colonial Indonesia: Literary constructions of being Dutch in the tropics’, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 2008, 164:1, 13-37, OPEN ACCESS.
‘The colonial table: Food, culture and Dutch identity in colonial Indonesia’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, 2008, 54:3, 346-57, OPEN ACCESS.
Book Chapters
‘Chinese Indonesians and the Dutch monarchy’ in Richard Lingner and Dominic Low, Amek Gambar: Peranakans and Photography (Singapore: Peranakan Museum, 2020).
‘Home at the front: Violence against Indonesian women and children in Dutch military barracks during the Indonesian National Revolution’ in Katherine McGregor, Ana Dragojlovic and Hannah Loney (eds), Gender, Violence and Power in Indonesia: Across Time and Space (Routledge ‘Women in Asia’ Series, 2020), pp. 59-83.
‘Slipping into something more exotic: Transgressive dress in early twentieth-century Java’ in H. Hazel Hahn (ed.), Cross-Cultural Exchange and the Colonial Imaginery: Global Encounters via Southeast Asia (Singapore: NUS Press, 2019), pp. 239-62.
‘Modern times in Southeast Asia, c. 1920–1970’, in Modern Times in Southeast Asia, c. 1920–1970 (Leiden: Brill, 2018). OPEN ACCESS
‘Soldiers as humanitarians: Photographing war in Indonesia 1945–49)’ in Jane Lydon (eds), Visualising Human Rights (Perth: UWA Publishing, 2018).
‘Strained encounters: Royal Indonesian visits to the Dutch court in the early twentieth century’ in Robert Aldrich and Cindy McCreery (eds), Royals on Tour: Politics, Pageantry and Colonialism (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2018).
‘Landscape painting in Indonesia: Continuity and change in President Sukarno’s collection’ in Low Sze Wee and Patrick D. Flores (eds), Charting Thoughts: Essays on Art in Southeast Asia (Singapore: National Gallery of Singapore, 2017).
‘Orangists in a red empire: Salutations from a Dutch queen’s supporters in a British South Africa’ in Robert Aldrich and Cindy McCreery (eds), Crowns and Colonies: Monarchies and Empires (Manchester University Press, ‘Studies in Imperialism’ Series, 2016), 97-118.
‘Camera ethica: Photography, modernity and the governed in late-colonial Indonesia’ in Susie Protschky (ed.), Photography, Modernity and the Governed in Late-Colonial Indonesia (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2015), 11-40.
‘Ethical projects, ethnographic orders and colonial notions of modernity in Dutch Borneo: G.L. Tichelman’s Queen’s Birthday photographs from the late 1920s’ in Susie Protschky (ed.), Photography, Modernity and the Governed in Late-Colonial Indonesia (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2015), 71-102.
‘Environment and visual culture in the tropics: The Netherlands Indies, c. 1830–1949’ in Robert Aldrich and Kirsten McKenzie (eds), The Routledge History of Western Empires (London: Routledge, 2014), 382-95.
‘Personal albums from early twentieth-century Indonesia’ in Gael Newton (ed.), Garden of the East: Photography in Indonesia 1850s–1940s (Canberra: National Gallery of Australia, 2014), 48-55.
‘Between corporate and familial responsibility: Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen and masculine governance in Europe and the Dutch colonial world’ in Susan Broomhall and Jacqueline van Gent (eds), Governing Masculinities: Regulating Selves and Others in the Early Modern Period (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2011).
Short Entries
‘Herman Salzwedel, antiquity and the camera’ in Gael Newton (ed.), Garden of the East: Photography in Indonesia 1850s–1940s (Canberra: National Gallery of Australia, 2014), 68-69.
‘George Lewis and Mooi Indië art’ in Gael Newton (ed.), Garden of the East: Photography in Indonesia 1850s–1940s (Canberra: National Gallery of Australia, 2014), 74-75.
Reviews of Museum Exhibitions
‘“Our Colonial Inheritance” at the Wereldmuseum’, Inside Indonesia 155 2024.
Reviews of Books
‘Beyond guilt-ranking, beyond the pale, and the Netherlands’ current reckoning with “difficult histories”’, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 136:4: 372-5
Review of Arnout van der Meer, Performing Power: Cultural Hegemony, Identity, and Resistance in Colonial Indonesia (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2020) in BMGN 137 (2022), doi: 10.51769/bmgn-lchr.12065.
Review of Karen Strasser. Demanding Images: Democracy, Mediation and the Image-Event in Indonesia, in Indonesia (Durham: Duke University Press, 2020) in Indonesia 110 (October 2020): 121-4.
Review of Nobuto Yamamoto, Censorship in Colonial Indonesia, 1901–1942 (Brill: Leiden and Boston, 2019), in Southeast Asia Research, 12 June 2020,
‘Elias on coral reefs, colonialism and visual culture’, History Australia, 2020, 17:1, 211-12,
Review of Fenneke Sysling, Racial Science and Human Diversity in Colonial Indonesia (Singapore: NUS Press, 2016), in Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, April 2017,
Review of Jean Duruz and Gaik Chenk Khoo, Eating Together: Food, Space, and Identity in Malaysia and Singapore. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, in Asian Studies Review, 40:1, 2015, 137–53,
Review of Freek Colombijn (with the assistance of Martine Barwegen), Under Construction: The Politics of Urban Space and Housing During the Decolonization of Indonesia, 1930–1960. Leiden: KITLV Press, 2010, in Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 2013, 169:4, 532-534,
Review of Margreet van Till, Banditry in West Java, 1869–1942. Translated by David McKay and Beverley Jackson. Singapore: NUS Press, 2011, in Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 2013, 169:2-3, 414-16,
Review of Raat, Alexander J. P. The Life of Governor Joan Gideon Loten (1710–1789): A Personal History of a Dutch Virtuoso (Hilversum, The Netherlands: Uitgeverij Verloren, 2011). Isis (The Journal of the History of Science Society), 2012, 103:3, 595-596,
Review of Eric Jones, Wives, Slaves, and Concubines: A History of the Female Underclass in Dutch Asia (DeKalb, Ill.: Northern Illinois University Press, 2010): in Journal of World History, 2012, 23(1), 193-197,
Review of Greg Bankoff and Sandra Swart (with Peter Bombard, William Clarence-Smith, Bernice de Jong Boers and Dhiravat na Pombejra), Breeds of Empire: The ‘Invention’ of the Horse in Southeast Asia and Southern Africa 1500–1950 (Copenhagen: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, 2007), Studies in Asian Topics, no. 42: in Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 2010, 166:2/3, 332-333,
Review of Penelope Hetherington, Twentieth Century Woman (Bassendean, WA: Access Press, 2007): in Studies in Western Australian History, 2009, 26, 242-244,
Review of John Gascoigne, The Enlightenment and the Origins of European Australia (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2002): in Historical Records of Australian Science, 14, 2003, 368-70,
This section organises my publications by research theme
Conflict photography
‘Burdens of proof: Photography and evidence of atrocity during the Dutch military actions in Indonesia (1945–50)’, Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia/ Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 2020, 176:2-3, 240-78, OPEN ACCESS.
‘Home at the front: Violence against Indonesian women and children in Dutch military barracks during the Indonesian National Revolution’ in Katherine McGregor, Ana Dragojlovic and Hannah Loney (eds), Gender, Violence and Power in Indonesia: Across Time and Space (Routledge ‘Women in Asia’ Series, 2020), pp. 59-83.
‘Soldiers as humanitarians: Photographing war in Indonesia 1945–49)’ in Jane Lydon (eds), Visualising Human Rights (Perth: UWA Publishing, 2018).
Natural disaster and environmental history
‘Disaster in Indonesia: Along the fault line toward new approaches’, Special issue on ‘Disaster in Indonesia’, edited by Susie Protschky, Indonesia 113 (April 2022): 1-8. OPEN ACCESS
‘Military responses to and forms of knowledge about natural disaster in colonial Indonesia, 1865–1930’, Special issue on ‘Disaster in Indonesia’, edited by Susie Protschky, Indonesia 113 (April 2022): 65-88.
(with Ruth Morgan), ‘Historicising sulfur mining, lime extraction and geotourism in Indonesia and Australia’, The Extractive Industries and Society, 16 February 2021,
‘Landscape painting in Indonesia: Continuity and change in President Sukarno’s collection’ in Low Sze Wee and Patrick D. Flores (eds), Charting Thoughts: Essays on Art in Southeast Asia (Singapore: National Gallery of Singapore, 2017).
‘Environment and visual culture in the tropics: The Netherlands Indies, c. 1830–1949’ in Robert Aldrich and Kirsten McKenzie (eds), The Routledge History of Western Empires (London: Routledge, 2014), 382-95.
‘Dutch still lifes and colonial visual culture in the Netherlands Indies 1800–1949’, Art History, 2011, 34:3, 510-35, OPEN ACCESS.
‘Seductive landscapes: Gender and European representations of nature in the Dutch East Indies in the late colonial period’, Gender & History, 2008, 20:2, 372-98, OPEN ACCESS.
‘Nature and identity in colonial Indonesia: Literary constructions of being Dutch in the tropics’, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 2008, 164:1, 13-37, OPEN ACCESS.
Images of the Tropics: Environment and Visual Culture in Colonial Indonesia (Leiden: Brill/ KITLV Press, 2011) OPEN ACCESS.
Monarchy and empire
‘Chinese Indonesians and the Dutch monarchy’ in Richard Lingner and Dominic Low, Amek Gambar: Peranakans and Photography (Singapore: Peranakan Museum, 2020).
Photographic Subjects: Monarchy, Photography and the Making of Colonial Citizens (Manchester: Manchester University Press, ‘Studies in Imperialism’ Series, 2019).
‘Strained encounters: Royal Indonesian visits to the Dutch court in the early twentieth century’ in Robert Aldrich and Cindy McCreery (eds), Royals on Tour: Politics, Pageantry and Colonialism (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2018).
‘Orangists in a red empire: Salutations from a Dutch queen’s supporters in a British South Africa’ in Robert Aldrich and Cindy McCreery (eds), Crowns and Colonies: Monarchies and Empires (Manchester University Press, ‘Studies in Imperialism’ Series, 2016), 97-118.
‘Photography and the making of a popular, colonial monarchy in the Netherlands East Indies during Queen Wilhelmina’s reign (1898–1948)’, BMGN (Low Countries Historical Review), 2015, 130:4, 3-29, OPEN ACCESS.
‘Negotiating princely status through the photographic gift: Paku Alam VII’s family album for Crown Princess Juliana of the Netherlands, 1937’, Indonesia and the Malay World, 2012, 40:118, 298-314, OPEN ACCESS.
‘The empire illuminated: Electricity, “ethical” colonialism and enlightened monarchy in photographs of Dutch royal celebrations, 1898–1948’, Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, 2012, 13:3, OPEN ACCESS.
Modernity and citizenship
(with Tom van den Berge), Modern Times in Southeast Asia, c. 1920–70 (Leiden: Brill, 2018) OPEN ACCESS.
‘Modern times in Southeast Asia, c. 1920–1970’, in Modern Times in Southeast Asia, c. 1920–1970 (Leiden: Brill, 2018) OPEN ACCESS.
Photography, Modernity and the Governed in Late-Colonial Indonesia (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2015).
‘Personal albums from early twentieth-century Indonesia’ in Gael Newton (ed.), Garden of the East: Photography in Indonesia 1850s–1940s (Canberra: National Gallery of Australia, 2014), 48-55.
‘The empire illuminated: Electricity, “ethical” colonialism and enlightened monarchy in photographs of Dutch royal celebrations, 1898–1948’, Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, 2012, 13:3, OPEN ACCESS.
Race, gender and empire
‘Slipping into something more exotic: Transgressive dress in early twentieth-century Java’ in H. Hazel Hahn (ed.), Cross-Cultural Exchange and the Colonial Imaginery: Global Encounters via Southeast Asia (Singapore: NUS Press, 2019), pp. 239-62.
‘Camera ethica: Photography, modernity and the governed in late-colonial Indonesia’ in Susie Protschky (ed.), Photography, Modernity and the Governed in Late-Colonial Indonesia (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2015), 11-40.
‘Ethical projects, ethnographic orders and colonial notions of modernity in Dutch Borneo: G.L. Tichelman’s Queen’s Birthday photographs from the late 1920s’ in Susie Protschky (ed.), Photography, Modernity and the Governed in Late-Colonial Indonesia (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2015), 71-102.
‘Tea cups, cameras and family life: Picturing domesticity in elite European and Javanese family photographs from the Netherlands Indies, c. 1900–1942’, History of Photography, 2012, 36:1, 44-65,
‘Race, class and gender: Debates over the character of social hierarchies in the Netherlands Indies, circa 1600–1942’, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 2011, 167:4, 543-56, OPEN ACCESS.
‘Between corporate and familial responsibility: Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen and masculine governance in Europe and the Dutch colonial world’ in Susan Broomhall and Jacqueline van Gent (eds), Governing Masculinities: Regulating Selves and Others in the Early Modern Period (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2011).
‘The flavour of history: Food, family and subjectivity in two Indo-European women’s memoirs’, Journal of the History of the Family, 14:4, 2009, 369-85, OPEN ACCESS.
(with Matthew P. Fitzpatrick), ‘Families, frontiers and the new imperial history’, Journal of the History of the Family, 2009, 14:4, OPEN ACCESS.
‘The colonial table: Food, culture and Dutch identity in colonial Indonesia’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, 2008, 54:3, 346-57, OPEN ACCESS.
‘Seductive landscapes: Gender and European representations of nature in the Dutch East Indies in the late colonial period’, Gender & History, 2008, 20:2, 372-98, OPEN ACCESS.